Monthly Archives: February 2012

The Running of the Bulls in Figures

Some people think that the bulls run many times during the day, some others think that just on July 7th take place the running of the bulls… I think that before you come to Pamplona to enjoy the San fermín Festival, you have to know this interesting information that I found at the Web of the Council of Pamplona. Time: 8 am Dates: From 7th to the 14th of July Route: 848.6 metres. Santo Domingo, Plaza Consistorial, Mercaderes, Estafeta and the Bullring. Average duration: 3 minutes and 55 seconds Speed of bulls: 24 km/h The longest Bull Run: 30 minutes (11th of July 1959). A Miura bull dropped behind the herd and it was necessary to use a dog to … read more

What Should I Wear to Attend to the Running of the Bulls?

I admit, I’m a mess when it comes to planning Sanfermin clothes. Year after year it is the same song … July 5th comes and I don’t have the clothes ready for the Festival…. As always, I have to run, and visit to the stores where I can find cheap white pants and T-shirts, but that’s when I live in Pamplona.  A few years I have luckily been able to reuse some pants, but last year this was not the case and I ended up buying 5 new pairs of pants and a few shirts for the entire festival (9 days toal). If you don’t live in Pamplona, it is even more difficult, so here’s what I recommend… go to … read more