Back in the Saddle Again!
Posted on Sun, Feb 14, 2010
Visiting development projects and friends in Cusco, Peru – Aug 2009
After a two year hiatus, is back up and running… with the bulls! The past two years have brought adventures around the world, as I discovered the plight of the poor in Haiti, then went on to Harvard to study how we might improve things. As it turns out, improving things abroad isn’t that different than improving things at home. It just take a little hard work, a just legal system, and some incentives to create opportunity. So, what does this have to do with The Running of the Bulls? For me, everything.
Now that I’ve seen the way lives can be changed in the developing world, I want to direct as many dollars toward that effort as possible. A lot of money flows into Pamplona during the Running of the Bulls, so why not put some of that to good use?
When I first ran with the bulls in 2004, I didn’t know much about San Fermin or International Development. Now that I know a little about both, I think it’s appropriate to bring them together. That’s why we aligned with and to create “Run With a Purposetm”. If you’re already Running with the Bulls, or at least watching from a Balcony in Pamplona, why not make sure the money you spend goes toward a good cause?
We can help you make the most of the Running of the Bulls and the San Fermin Festival with Pamplona Balcony Rentals, Pamplona Apartments, or anything else you need to enjoy Running with the Bulls. We know that Pamplona is crazy expensive… it is painful for us too… but we can help you wade through the mess to make sure you get the most for your Pamplona Balcony dollar (or Euro).
We always meet the most interesting people in Pamplona. It is an amazing place that attracts the most adventurous Bull Runners in the world. We look forward to meeting you and talking a bit about how having tons of fun at the Running of the Bulls can also do tons of good in Latin America!
¡Viva San Fermín!